The following tables list the members exposed by EntityQueryOperation<T>.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | CanCancel |
Returns whether the operation can be cancelled.
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | Cancelled |
Returns whether the operation was cancelled.
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | ChangedEntities |
The list of every entity that was either added or modified in the EntityManager's cache
as a result of this query.
 | CompletedSuccessfully |
Returns whether the operation completed success
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | CompletedSynchronously |
Returns whether the operation completed synchronously.
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | EntityQuery |
The requested query.
 | Error |
Returns the exception if the operation failed.
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | HasError |
Returns whether the operation failed.
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | IsCompleted |
Returns whether the operation is completed regardless of whether it was cancelled or failed.
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | IsErrorHandled |
Was any error that occured handled?
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | ResolvedFetchStrategy |
The fetch strategy actually used to process the query.
 | Results |
The results of the query.
 | Task |
The asynchronous task.
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | UserState |
Returns the user state which identifies the operation.
(Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.BaseOperation<EntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T>,EntityQueryOperation<T>>) |
 | WasFetched |
Whether the operation completed.
Public Methods
Public Events
See Also